Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes for the 2024-25 school year.

Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 06/20/2024 - 12:37

2024-07-15 - Board Minutes

2024-07-15 - Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting – July 15, 2024 – High School Conference Room – Delhi, Iowa

The regular meeting of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by President Donna Kunde at 5:30 p.m.  on July 15, 2024.  All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted. 

Board Members Present:  Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow

Board Members Absent:  Dabroski

Staff Present:  Supt. Kim Huckstadt, Erika Vanderloop and Mike Hucker

Visitors Present:  Mike Putz and Tom McAreavy

Motion was made by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann to approve the meeting agenda as presents.  All ayes.  Carried.

At 5:31 p.m., President Donna Kunde declared this the time and place to hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program.  With there being no comments, President Donna Kunde declared the public hearing closed.  In a motion by Feldman, seconded by Zietlow the Board adopted the following resolution to consider the District’s continued participation in the Instructional Support Program:

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that to continue the current level of services and to fund the ongoing programs of the School District, continuation of participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years is necessary and in the best interests of the District and its residents and students; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has given consideration to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa; and

WHEREAS, the Board has published notice of the time and place of a public hearing on the Resolution; and

WHEREAS, a hearing has been held upon the proposal to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program and any objections are overruled:


  1. The Board of Directors determines that it is consistent with the five year finance plan to fund the ongoing programs and services of the School District and it is in the best interest of the School District to continue participation in an Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa, and to provide additional funding therefor for a period of five (5) years commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2027.
  2. The additional funding for the Instructional Support Program for a budget year will be determined annually and will not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total regular program district cost for the budget year and moneys received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment for the budget year.
  3. Moneys received by the District for the Instructional Support Program may be used for any general fund purpose.
  4. The Instructional Support Program will be funded by instructional support state aid and an instructional support property tax in an amount (after taking into consideration instructional support school aid) not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total regular program district cost for the budget year and moneys received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment in the budget year, to be levied annually upon the taxable property within the School District commencing with the levy for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2027.
  5. Unless, within twenty-eight days following the adoption of this Resolution, the Secretary of the Board receives a petition containing the signatures of eligible electors equal in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of the number of voters at the last preceding regular school election, whichever is greater, asking that an election be called to approve or disapprove this action of the Board adopting the Instructional Support Program, this action of the Board is final and the Secretary is authorized and directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the Department of Management.

               PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of July, 2024.

A roll call vote was answered as follows:  Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow; all ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann the consent items were approved.  All ayes.  Carried.

Two open enrollment requests in were approved in a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann.  All ayes.  Carried.

The following personnel recommendations were approved in a motion by Overman, seconded by Zietlow:

               Kristi Goedken – employed as Assistant FFA Advisor

               Amanda Ludwig – employed as Paraprofessional

               Margie Simons – employed as Middle School Volleyball Coach

All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the Board approved the following handbooks:  Coaches/Sponsors, High School Staff, High School Student, Middle School Staff, Middle School Student, Delhi Staff, Delhi Student, Johnston Staff, Johnston Student, Earlville Staff, Earlville Student, Non-Certified and Certified Handbook.  All ayes.  Carried.

The Board approved the $50 per month cell phone stipend to Scot Moenck, the new Activities Director, in a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Overman.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved to increase the substitute teacher pay from $140 to $150 per day and the non-certified sub rate from $13 per hour to $14 per hour.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow the Board approved the Contract for Teaching Services between Kirkwood Community College and Maquoketa Valley CSD.  All ayes.  Carried.

Changes to the following board policies were reviewed in response to new Iowa laws:

               206.03 Secretary-Treasurer

               206.04 Treasurer

               401.06 Limitations to Employment References

               402.03 Abuse of Students by School District Employees

               501.03 Compulsory Attendance

               501.09 Chronic Asbenteeism and Truancy

               501.09E1 Request for Remote Learning Form

               501.09R1 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

               501.12 Pregnant Students

               501.14 Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District

               501.15 Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District

               502.06 Weapons

               505.02 Student Promotion – Retention – Acceleration

               603.01 Basic Instruction Program

               603.12 Postsecondary Education Counseling

               607.02 Student Health Services

               708 Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records

               710.1 School Nutrition Program

               801.03 Educational Specifications for Buildings & Sites

               803.02 Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings & Sites

               905.03 Weapons in the School District

Motion by Overman, seconded by Zietlow to waive the second reading and adopt these policies on the first official reading.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman Erika Vanderloop was appointed as the School Business Official for the 2024-2025 school year.  All ayes.  Carried.

The Board approved the Superintendent authority to seek the advice of appropriate legal counsel as needed among the firms listed:

               Ahlers, Cooney, Dorweidler of Des Moines

               Hanson Law Office, Manchester

               Iowa Association of School Boards

               School Administrators of Iowa

Motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann to approve this list.  All ayes.  Carried.

The Board approved the following district depositories with limits not to exceed $10,000,000 in a motion by Overman, seconded by Zietlow:

               Citizens State Bank

               Community Savings Bank

               F&M Bank

               Heritage Bank

All ayes.  Carried.

The August board meeting will be held on August 29th beginning at 5:30 p.m.

The Board went through the process of choosing their top five IASB Legislative Priorities and will submit these to IASB for the 2025 legislative session.

At 6:00 p.m. in a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann the Board entered into a closed session pursuant to Chapter 21.5(1)(i) of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of discussing evaluation of employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.  A roll call vote was answered as follows:  Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow; all ayes.  Carried.

At 6:34 p.m. the Board entered into open session.

Motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m.  All ayes.  Carried.

erikavanderloo… Wed, 07/17/2024 - 09:19

2024-08-29 - Board Minutes

2024-08-29 - Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting – August 29, 2024 – 5:30 p.m. – High School Library – Delhi, Iowa

The regular meeting of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by President Donna Kunde at 5:30 p.m. on August 29, 2024.  All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted.

Board Members Present –Dabroski, Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow

Board Members Absent – None

Staff Present – Supt. Kim Huckstadt, Jackie Moorman, Tiersa Frasher, Brenda Becker, Erika Vanderloop, Lily Aulwes, Jill Hoeger, Mike Hucker and Tom McAreavy

Visitors Present – Mark Smith, Jim Beitz, Mike Putz, Leah Reicher, Landyn Haas and Logan Beaman

Motion was made by Zietlow, seconded by Dabroski to approve the meeting agenda as presented.  All ayes.  Carried 

Motion was made by Feldmann, seconded by Overman to approve the consent items.  All ayes.  Carried.

Leah Reicher, FFA Member, updated the Board on her experience at the Washington Leadership Conference held this past June.  Miss Reicher expressed her appreciation to the Board for allowing students to attend these types of events as it was a learning experience for her.

Discussion regarding technology usage took place.  Further discussion will continue to happen over the course of the year.

One open enrollment request in and three open enrollment requests out were approved in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow.  All ayes.  Carried.

The following personnel recommendations were approved in a motion by Overman, seconded by Dabroski:

               Curt Hines – employed as High School Custodian

               Dennis Wood – resignation as Bus Driver

               Andy Schuster – resignation as Middle School Baseball Coach

               Tom McAreavy – employed as Bus Driver

               Trevor Boge – resignation as High School Baseball Coach

               Jeff McCormick – resignation as Paraprofessional

               Bobbi Bauers – employed as Paraprofessional

Roll call vote answered as follows:  Dabroski, Feldmann, Kunde, Zietlow, ayes; Overman, nay.  Carried.

The 2024-2025 St. Joes Daycare and HACAP Food Service agreements were approved in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved the 2024-2025 Kirkwood Concurrent Enrollment Partnership Contract.  This allows students to take classes from Kirkwood through the Jones Regional Center in Monticello and earn college credits while still in high school.  All ayes.  Carried.

The board approved the call for bus bids to be purchased in FY26 in a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Dabroski.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann the 2024-2025 fundraising requests were approved.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, second by Overman the Board approved the 2024-2025 Bus Driver Handbook and Preschool Handbooks were approved.   All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Dabroski, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved the out-of-district senior citizen’s pass.  Currently, any senior citizen (age 65) that lives within the district, is eligible to receive a senior citizen pass free of charge.  This pass allows them admission into any event held at Maquoketa Valley free of charge.  This is a lifetime pass.  The out-of-district senior citizen pass would allow any senior citizen that lives outside of the district the opportunity to purchase a lifetime pass for $50.  Roll call vote was answered as follows:  Dabroski, Feldmann, Kunde, Zietlow, ayes; Overman, nay.  Carried.

In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Overman the 2024-2025 Bound Agreement with ASPi was approved.  All ayes.  Carried.

The Board approved the 2024-2025 Letter of Agreement with Monticello for the Alternative High School in a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann.  All ayes. 

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Dabroski the Board approved the 2024-2025 Concurrent Enrollment Contract with Northeast Iowa Community College.  Again, this allows students to earn college credits while still in high school. The courses may be taken online or in-house by students that elect to enroll.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Dabroski, seconded by Zietlow the Board approved out of state FFA travel request from Ms. Lau for the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI on October 1, 2024, and the National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, IN on October 22 –26th.  All ayes.  Carried.

The Iowa Association of School Boards Convention will take place on November 20-22nd.

The September board meeting will be held on September 23rd at 5:30 p.m. in the High School Library.

The open enrollment process has been very fluid this summer.  It appears the district will see a positive enrollment trend this year.

Director Kunde discussed reviewing IASB Lighthouse topics each month.  Further discussion of this will take place in September,

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman.  All ayes.  Carried.

erikavanderloo… Sun, 09/01/2024 - 11:37

2024-09-23 - Board Minutes

2024-09-23 - Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting – September 23, 2024 – 5:30 p.m. – High School Library, Delhi, Iowa

The regular meeting of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by Vice President John Zietlow at 5:30 p.m. on September 23, 2024.  All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted.

Board Members Present – Dabroski, Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow

Board Members Absent –None

Staff Present – Supt. Kim Huckstadt, Troy Osterhaus, Brenda Becker, Tiersa Frasher, Jackie Moorman, Erika Vanderloop, Tom McAreavy, Jill Hoeger and Allie Knipper

Visitors Present – Mike Putz and Mark Smith

Motion was made by Dabroski, seconded by Feldmann to approve the meeting agenda as presented.  All ayes.  Carried.

Motion was made by Feldmann, seconded by Overman to approve all consent items.  All ayes.  Carried.

Four open enrollment requests in, three open enrollment requests out, and one open enrollment request was denied in a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann.  All ayes.  Carried.

The following personnel recommendations were approved in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Dabroski:

               Lindsay Kerch – resignation as Paraprofessional

               Jen Teymer – employed as Assistant Spring Play Director

               Judy Eckman -employed as Paraprofessional

               Kurt Hatfield – employed as Middle School Wrestling Coach (.5 FTE)

               Jett Kuhens – employed as Middle School Wrestling Coach (.5 FTE)

               Aaron Saeuging – employed as Middle School Baseball Coach

               John Grimm – resignation as Transportation/Ground Supervisor

               John Grimm – resignation as Baseball Coach

All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the Board approved the Pepsi contract which will be in effect until 2029.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Dabroski, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved filing the application to the SBRC for Modified Allowable Growth for negative 2023-2024 Special Education balance in the amount of $117,678.09.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the Board appointed John Zietlow to the Delaware County Conference Board for the 2024-2025 school year.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Overman, seconded by Dabroski, Brenda Becker, Troy Osterhaus and Tiersa Frasher were approved as the District Level I Investigators and the Delaware County Sheriff Department was approved as Level II Investigators for the 2024-2025 school year.  All ayes.  Carried.

The regular October board meeting, which is scheduled for October 21st, will be held at Earlville.  The May 2025 board meeting will be held at Johnston.

Beginning in October, the Board will conduct a work session prior to the start of the board meeting, to discuss one of the IASB Lighthouse topics.  This wok session will begin at 5:15.

John Zietlow and Mike Feldmann will serve on the audit committee for September. 

The IASB Convention will be held in Des Moines on November 20th and 21st

Supt. Huckstadt shared information regarding the cost of repairing the brick exterior at Johnston Elementary.  Seedorf Masonry supplied the District with an estimate of $529,000 to remove the deteriorating brick and replace with new brick.  Further discussion regarding this project will take place in October.

The District will install a handicap and kitchen ramp at Earlville Elementary.  Nu-Trend will supply this ramp for a cost of $2,995.60.

Supt. Huckstadt updated the board on emergency response protocols which are currently being reviewed.

Supt. Huckstadt updated the board and his plans for replacing the Transportation/Grounds Supervisor position that recently became vacant.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.  All ayes.  Carried.

erikavanderloo… Thu, 09/26/2024 - 19:23