2024-06-24 - Board Minutes

2024-06-24 - Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting – June 24, 2024– 5:30 p.m. – High School Conference Room – Delhi, Iowa

The regular meeting of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by President Donna Kunde at 5:30 p.m. on June 24, 2024 in the High School Conference Room in Delhi, Iowa.  All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted. 

Board Members Present – Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow

Board Members Absent – Dabroski

Staff Present – Supt. Dave Hoeger, Kim Huckstadt, Mike Hucker and Erika Vanderloop

Visitors Present – Tom McAreavy and Mike Putz

Motion was made by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow to approve the meeting agenda as presented.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Overman the consent items were approved.  All ayes.  Carried.

One open enrollment in and five open enrollment requests out were approved in a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann.  All ayes.  Carried.

The following personnel recommendations were approved in a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Overman:

                Heidi Putz – resignation as Middle School Girls Basketball Coach

                Ali Scherrman – employed as Middle School Girls Basketball Coach

                Jennifer Teymer – resignation as Spring Play Director

                Sue Kramer – resignation as Johnston Secretary

                Lisa Smith – employed as first semester Full-Time Substitute

                Danielle Burkle – resignation as Annual Sponsor

                Bobbi Bauers – employed as Part-Time Custodian

                Jared Coyle – resignation as Middle School Wrestling Coach

                Jennifer Teymer – resignation as Paraprofessional

                Jennifer Teymer – employed as Johnston Secretary

                Corey Thompson – employed as Delhi Custodian

                Leighton Koeperich – employed as Paraprofessional

                Elizabeth DeMoss – employed as Paraprofessional

                Coral Wink – employed as Paraprofessional

                DeAnna Hogan – resignation as Paraprofessional

All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann the following resolution was approved:

                WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that to continue the current level of services   and to fund the ongoing programs of the School District, continuation of participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years is necessary and in the best interests of          the District and its residents and students; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to consider continued participation in the Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa; and

WHEREAS, the authorization for the current Instructional Support Program will expire on June 30, 2026; and

WHEREAS, this Resolution sets forth the proposal of the Board of Directors, including the method that will be used to fund the program; and

WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of a public hearing must be published:

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:

  1. The Board of Directors wishes to consider continued participation in the Instructional Support Program as provided in Sections 257.18 through 257.21, Code of Iowa, for a period of five years, commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2027.
  2. The additional funding for the Instructional Support Program for a budget year shall be determined annually and shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total regular program district cost for the budget year and monies received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment for the budget year.
  3. Monies received by the District for the Instructional Support Program may be used for any general fund purpose.
  4. The Instructional Support Program will be funded by instructional support state aid and an instructional support property tax in an amount (after taking into consideration instructional support school aid) not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total regular program district cost for the budget year and moneys received under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa, as a budget adjustment in the budget year, to be levied annually upon the taxable property within the School District commencing with the levy for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2027.
  5. The Secretary is authorized and directed to give notice of a public hearing to be held in the High School Library, 107 South Street, Delhi, Iowa, on July 15, 2024, at 5:30 P.M.
  6. Following the public hearing the Board intends to take action on the question whether to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program.

A roll call vote was answered as follows:  Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow; all ayes.  Carried.


Student fees and prices for the 2024-2025 school year were reviewed.  The following fees were adjusted:  increase technology fee from $25.00 to $35.00, increase cheese sticks from $0.35 to $0.40, increase student athletic 10-punch pass from $30.00 to $40.00 and, due to State guidelines, decrease adult lunch from $4.84 to $4.70.  All other fees will remain the same for the 2024-2025 school year.  The following food service and student fees were set for the 2024-2025 year:

                Student Lunch (K-5)                                        $2.55

                Student Lunch (6-12)                                      $2.80

                7-12 Second Entrée                                         $2.00    

                Extra Carton of Milk                                        $0.65

                Adult Lunch                                                        $4.70

                Student Breakfast                                            $1.85

                Adult Breakfast                                                 $2.80

                Cheese Sticks                                                     $0.40


                Student Materials Fee (PS)                           $20.00

                Student Materials Fee (JK-5)                       $60.00

                Student Materials Fee (6-12)                       $75.00

                Technology Fee (9-12)                                    $35.00

                Musical Instrument Rent                              $50.00

                Second Musical Instrument Rent               $25.00

                Music Uniform Cleaning                                $25.00

                Instrument Music Lesson Book                   Our Cost

                Student Athletic 10-Punch Pass                  $40.00

2024-2025 fees and prices were approved in a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann.  All ayes.  Carried.

Motion was made by Feldmann, seconded by Overman approving Prairie Farms to supply our dairy needs for 2024-2025.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the Board approved Bimbo Bakeries to supply the District bread needs for 2024-2025.  All ayes.  Carried.

The 2024-2025 Shared Personnel Agreement between Alburnett Community School District, Center Point Urbana Community School District and Maquoketa Valley Community School District for Human Resource services was approved in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman.  All ayes. Carried.

In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved the 2024-2025 PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood.  All ayes.  Carried.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the 2024-2025 Managed Service Contract from Infrastructure Technology Solutions was approved.  All ayes.  Carried.

The District Teacher Leadership Compensation Committee (TLC) met on May 22, 2024 and the Teacher Quality Compensation Committee (TQC) met on May 20, 2024.  In a motion by Overman, seconded by Zietlow the minutes from these meetings were approved.  All ayes.  Carried.

The following Teacher Leadership Compensation positions were approved in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow:

                Tech Lead – Ali Scherrman

                6-12 Intervention Coach – Jackie Moorman

                K Grade Level Lead – Melissa Hess

                1st Grade Level Lead – Tracey Reicher

                2nd Grade Level Lead – Randene Orr

                3rd Grade Level Lead – Kylie Siddell

                4th Grade Level Lead – Hannah Jahn

                5th Grade Level Lead – Rachel Bonert

                6th – 12th Social Studies/Foreign Language Lead – Steve Huegel

                K-12th Special Education Lead – Brianna Kluesner

                6th – 12th ELA Lead – Audrey Moenck

                6th – 12th Math Lead – Rachel Lewin

                6th – 12th Science Lead – Christina Rudd

                6th – 12th CTE Lead – Haylee Lau

                6th – 12th Fine Arts/PE/Music Lead – Travis Ford

                Mentor – Heidi Putz

                Mentor – Jason Helle

                Mentor – Kurt Palmer

                Mentor – Kylie Siddell

                Mentor – Alex Morozov

                Mentor – Taryn Fellinger

All ayes.  Carried

In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved the Apple Computer proposal for new student/staff computers in the amount of $162,203.00.  All ayes. Carried.

Supt. Hoeger presented the Board with the School Goals that have been revised the past several years.  These will continue to be reviewed and revised in the upcoming year.

Further discussion of the audit committee will be discussed at the July board meeting.

The August board meeting will be held on August 29th beginning at 5:30 p.m.

The Board began the discussion of cell phone use in school.  Further discussion of this will take place at future meetings.

In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 p.m.  All ayes.  Carried.

erikavanderloo… Tue, 06/25/2024 - 10:52