2024-12-16 - Board Minutes
2024-12-16 - Board MinutesRegular Board Meeting – December 16, 2024 – 5:30 p.m. – High School Library, Delhi, Iowa
The regular meeting of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by President Donna Kunde at 5:30 p.m. on December 16, 2024 in the High School Library in Delhi, Iowa. All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted.
Board Members Present –Feldmann (via phone), Kunde, Overman, Zietlow
Board Members Absent –Dabroski
Staff Present – Supt. Kim Huckstadt, Troy Osterhaus, Tiersa Frasher, Brenda Becker, Jackie Moorman, Erika Vanderloop, Jill Hoeger, Mike Hucker, Tom McAreavy and Rick Rave
Visitors Present –Mark Smith, Mike Putz and Savanah Hoffman
Motion was made by Zietlow, seconded by Overman to approve the meeting agenda as presented. All ayes. Carried.
In a motion by Overman, seconded by Zietlow the consent items were approved. All ayes. Carried.
Jackie Moorman shared the 2023-2024 Annual Progress Report with the Board. Troy Osterhaus also shared some information from the December 4th legislative session held in Monticello. There were various topics discussed such as the Education Savings Accounts funding, Area Education Agency funding, special education funding and supplemental state aid.
Four open enrollment requests in and three open enrollment requests out were approved in a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann. All ayes. Carried.
The following personnel recommendations were approved in a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann:
Elizabeth DeMoss – resignation as Paraprofessional
Gwen Geiss – employed as Full-Time Substitute
Debra Neilson – employed as Paraprofessional
Craig Wilson – employed as Director of Transportation, Maintenance & Grounds
All ayes. Carried.
Motion was made by Zietlow, seconded by Overman to approve the 2024-2025 SBRC Application for Increasing Enrollment, Open Enrollment Out and LEP Instruction Beyond Five Years for $126,274. This will allow the district to increase spending authority. A roll call vote was answered as follows: Feldmann, aye; Kunde, aye; Overman, aye; Zietlow, aye. Carried.
Motion was made by Feldmann, seconded by Overman to approve the 2025-2026 SBRC Modified Allowable Growth for Dropout Prevention. The Board approved the maximum amount allowed by state law which is $199,815. Roll call vote was answered as follows: Feldmann, aye; Kunde, aye; Overman, aye; Zietlow, aye. Carried.
In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Feldmann the Board approved the Teacher Education Field Experience Contract with Clarke University. All ayes. Carried.
Motion was made by Overman, seconded by Feldmann to approve the 2024-2025 Grant Wood Area Education E-Rate Contract. All ayes. Carried.
Motion was made by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow to approve the 2024-2025 second semester Kirkwood teaching contract for Mrs. Temple. All ayes. Carried.
Supt. Huckstadt expressed his appreciation to all the staff members that served on the interview committee for the recent Director of Transportation, Maintenance & Grounds hire.
Supt. Huckstadt and Troy Osterhaus will be attending the Iowa Superintedent’s Finance and Leadership Conference in Ankeny on December 18-19th.
Supt. Huckstadt updated the Board on the status of the Johnston gym floor. Commercial Flooring will begin replacing tiles in areas of concern when schedules allow.
Supt. Huckstadt, Troy Osterhaus, Erika Vanderloop and Melissa Conner will be attending a budget workshop hosted by Larry Sigel with Iowa School Finance and Information Services on January 30th at the AEA in Elkader.
John Zietlow and Pam Overman will serve on the December audit committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m. in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Zietlow. All ayes. Carried.