Work Session – January 20, 2025 – 5:30 p.m. – High School Library, Delhi, Iowa
A work session of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by President Donna Kunde at 5:30 p.m. on January 20, 2025, in the High School Library in Delhi, Iowa. All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted.
Board Members Present – Dabroski, Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow
Board Members Absent – None
Staff Present – Supt. Kim Huckstadt, Troy Osterhaus, Tiersa Frasher, Brenda Becker, Erika Vanderloop and Jill Hoeger
Visitors Present – Mark Smith
Supt. Huckstadt provided a presentation regarding standards for school boards. This focused on the areas of vision, student learning, district culture, policy & legal, fiscal responsibility and advocacy. The Board took some time to reflect on their priorities.
The work session was adjourned at 5:57 p.m. in a motion by Overman, seconded by Dabroski. All ayes. Carried.
Regular Board Meeting – January 20, 2025– 6:00 p.m. – High School Library, Delhi, Iowa
The regular meeting of the Maquoketa Valley Board of Education was called to order by President Donna Kunde at 6:00 p.m. on January 20, 2025, in the High School Library in Delhi, Iowa. All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted.
Board Members Present – Dabroski, Feldmann, Kunde, Overman, Zietlow
Board Members Absent – None
Staff Present – Supt. Kim Huckstadt, Troy Osterhaus, Tiersa Frasher, Brenda Becker, Erika Vanderloop and Jill Hoeger
Visitors Present – Mark Smith
Motion was made by Dabroski, seconded by Zietlow to approve the meeting agenda as presented. All ayes. Carried.
In a motion by Overman, seconded by Feldmann the consent items were approved. All ayes. Carried.
Four open enrollment requests out and one open enrollment request in were approved in a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman. All ayes. Carried.
The following personnel recommendations were approved in a motion by Dabroski, seconded by Zietlow:
Aaron Saeugling – employed as Head High School Baseball Coach
Deb Neilson – resignation as Paraprofessional
Ryan Parsons – employed as Johnston Custodian
All ayes. Carried.
In a motion by Feldmann, seconded by Overman the cell phone stipend for the Maintenance, Grounds & Transportation employee was approved. All ayes. Carried.
In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Dabroski the Board approved the T&M contract from Seedorf Masonry for the Johnston brick replacement in an amount not to exceed $80,000. All ayes. Carried.
In a motion by Zietlow, seconded by Overman the Board approved the service agreement with Transportant to provide bus security cameras and student ridership information and also a lease agreement with Vantage Leasing. All ayes. Carried.
Blake Funke will be the speaker for the annual Academic Excellence banquet which will be held on May 7, 2025.
Supt. Huckstadt, Troy Osterhaus, Erika Vanderloop and Melissa Conner will be attending a budget workshop on January 30th at the AEA with Larry Siegal. The March and April board meeting dates may need to be modified to meet the budget hearing deadlines and certification requirements.
Pam Overman and Doug Dabroski will serve on the January audit committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m. in a motion by Dabroski, seconded by Feldmann. All ayes.